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Antelope corpses. Are they good as mascots?

Do dead antelopes present a improper symbol for a psychotic secret government body and, how does an alien conspiracy tie in?

It has been said that dead antelope carcasses have no redeeming qualities. Well, that secret of all Canadian branches, the RCSP, have set out to prove this is indeed incorrect. They have, with the concerned and nervous go ahead from our Prime Minister, made the dead antelope an official mascot of their psychotic little group of misfits.

It truly is disturbing!


This is where the freshest antelope corpses are aquired.

They have also trapped illegal party leaders and converted them, such as Preston Manning (you explain his haircut!).

The possibility of alien involvement has been raised. An in depth investigation is underway as we speak.

We could finally get a logical explaination why the government sucks so bad, in general.

The people who have contributed are too numerous to mention.
So I won't!